Friday, 13 November 2009

The McDonnell Douglas Apache

The Apache attack helicopter was a spectacular performer in any sense, due to the reason that it could destroy any tank in its view. The Apache's secret weapon for this role is the laser-guided Hellfire missile. It also has a special Chain Gun for defence and also has special Flare bombs stored in the side and rear fuselage. The Apache also uses a special super-heated ceramic block to deceive heat-seeking missiles. The McDonnell Douglas Helicopters Works have decided to also add another special feature to the Apache - an ability to attack among the trees. Another special ability of this helicopter is that key propulsion components are armoured. The engines are two General Electric T700-GE-701 driving four turboshafts and one T700-GE-701 driving three turboshafts. McDonnell Douglas Helicopters have now upgraded all AH-64 Apache helicopters to the AH-64E Longbow Apache which has the ability to fly through fog. The Royal Air Force (RAF), the Dutch Air Force (KLu) and the US Air Force (USAF) now use Longbow Apaches but several other armed forces still use this magnificent 'battlefield destroyer' .